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Peptang Tomato Sauce
Tomato paste, sugar, salt, citric acid, vinegar and permitted preservatives.
- Pairs well with fries, bhajia and mashed potatoes bring out the flavours and visual appeal.
KSh 7.00 – KSh 1,800.00- KSh 500.00
T-Shirt Round-neck
KSh 500.00 Chest of Drawers
A chest of drawers that suits you, your clothes and your space means no more cold mornings searching for your socks. Ours come in styles that match our wardrobes and in different sizes so you can use them around your home, for instance a tall chest of drawers in a narrow hall.
KSh 20,000.00Chest of Drawers
KSh 20,000.00- KSh 170,000.00
Recliner Sofa Set- 6 Seater
KSh 170,000.00